Hofmannsthal. Jahrbuch zur europäischen Moderne
Herausgegeben von
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Bergengruen, Herausgegeben im Auftrag der
Hugo von Hofmannsthal-Gesellschaft e.V.,
Prof. Dr. Alexander Honold,
Prof. Dr. Ursula Renner,
Prof. Dr. Günter Schnitzler
Das Jahrbuch erscheint seit 1993 und gilt als das wichtigste Organ der Hofmannsthal-Forschung. Es stellt zum einen die Werke Hugo von Hofmannsthals (1874–1929) in den ästhetischen und sozialhistorischen Kontext der europäischen Kultur der Moderne dar. Dabei gehört »[d]ie Veröffentlichung bisher unpublizierter Briefwechsel […] zu dessen besonderen Verdiensten« (Neue Zürcher Zeitung). Zum anderen versammelt das Jahrbuch Beiträge namhafter Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zu Literatur, Bildender Kunst, Tanz und Theater, Philosophie, Psychologie und Politik der Jahrhundertwende.
This yearbook has been published since 1993 and is regarded as the most important institution in research into Hofmannsthal. On the one hand, it places the works of Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874–1929) in the aesthetic and socio-historical context of modern European culture. According to the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, its publication of previously unpublished correspondence is one of its particular merits. On the other hand, contributions from renowned experts in literature, the fine arts, philosophy, psychology, politics, and in dance and theatre at the turn of the century are also collected in this yearbook.
This yearbook has been published since 1993 and is regarded as the most important institution in research into Hofmannsthal. On the one hand, it places the works of Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874–1929) in the aesthetic and socio-historical context of modern European culture. According to the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, its publication of previously unpublished correspondence is one of its particular merits. On the other hand, contributions from renowned experts in literature, the fine arts, philosophy, psychology, politics, and in dance and theatre at the turn of the century are also collected in this yearbook.