Die Reihe »Nordica« stellt in Monografien und Sammelbänden aktuelle literaturwissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Skandinavistik vor. Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2000 hat sich die Reihe vor allem als ein Forum zur Diskussion und Applikation kultur- und medienwissenschaftlicher Ansätze in der Neuskandinavistik etabliert. »Nordica« lädt ein, die neuere interdisziplinäre Theorie- und Methodenentwicklungen mit innovativen Lektüren von Literatur, Film und anderen Medien aus Nordeuropa zu begleiten. Wichtig ist dabei die interdisziplinäre Vernetzung, die Relevanz der Allgemeinen Literaturwissenschaft für die Skandinavistik, die Bedeutung der skandinavischen Kulturzeugnisse für die fächerübergreifende Literaturwissenschaft. So liegen bereits Studien zu Klassikern der nordischen Literatur wie Strindberg, Ibsen, Hamsun und Inger Christensen, über die international viel gelesene Gegenwarts- und Jugendliteratur, aber auch Untersuchungen zur Intermedialität zwischen Text und Bild, Literatur und Radio oder Jazz vor.
The series entitled ‘Nordica’ offers up-to-date literary studies contributions to Scandinavian studies in the form of monographs and anthologies. Since it was founded in the year 2000, the series has established itself above all as a forum for discussion and the application of cultural and media studies approaches to new Scandinavian studies. ‘Nordica’ offers its readers the chance to follow recent developments in interdisciplinary theory and methods with innovative reading matter on literature, film and other media from northern Europe. Interdisciplinary networking, the relevance of literary studies in general for Scandinavian studies and the significance of Scandinavian cultural heritage for interdisciplinary literature studies are important in this respect. Accordingly, the series has already published studies on the definitive authors of Nordic literature such as Strindberg, Ibsen, Hamsun and Inger Christensen, on Scandinavian contemporary and youth literature, which is widely read internationally, and also on the relation between text and pictures, and literature and radio or jazz.
The series entitled ‘Nordica’ offers up-to-date literary studies contributions to Scandinavian studies in the form of monographs and anthologies. Since it was founded in the year 2000, the series has established itself above all as a forum for discussion and the application of cultural and media studies approaches to new Scandinavian studies. ‘Nordica’ offers its readers the chance to follow recent developments in interdisciplinary theory and methods with innovative reading matter on literature, film and other media from northern Europe. Interdisciplinary networking, the relevance of literary studies in general for Scandinavian studies and the significance of Scandinavian cultural heritage for interdisciplinary literature studies are important in this respect. Accordingly, the series has already published studies on the definitive authors of Nordic literature such as Strindberg, Ibsen, Hamsun and Inger Christensen, on Scandinavian contemporary and youth literature, which is widely read internationally, and also on the relation between text and pictures, and literature and radio or jazz.
Tiere in skandinavischer Literatur und Kulturgeschichte Rombach, 1. Auflage 200746,00 € inkl. MwSt.