Die Reihe versteht sich als Forum für eine Literaturwissenschaft, deren kulturwissenschaftliche Erweiterung sich nach den turns der letzten Jahrzehnte konsolidiert hat. Die hier publizierten Monografien und Sammelbände fragen nach den ›Texturen‹, aus denen Literatur (und Kultur en général) gemacht ist: nach dem buchstäblich-materialen, dem medialen, dem kulturellen Bedingungsgefüge, in das Texte eingespannt sind. Dabei zeichnen sich die vorgelegten Lektüren und Analysen durch ihre Offenheit gegenüber virulenten Theoriediskussionen in Literatur-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft und ihren Anspruch auf innovative Zugriffe aus.
This series is intended as a forum for a form of literary studies whose cultural studies expansion has been consolidated since the ›turns‹ in recent decades. The monographs and anthologies it publishes address the ›textures‹ which literature (and culture in general) is composed of: the literal materials and the media and cultural contexts that are inserted and interwoven into texts. These works and analyses are characterised by their openness towards incisive theoretical discussions in literary, media and cultural studies as well as their demands for innovative approaches.
This series is intended as a forum for a form of literary studies whose cultural studies expansion has been consolidated since the ›turns‹ in recent decades. The monographs and anthologies it publishes address the ›textures‹ which literature (and culture in general) is composed of: the literal materials and the media and cultural contexts that are inserted and interwoven into texts. These works and analyses are characterised by their openness towards incisive theoretical discussions in literary, media and cultural studies as well as their demands for innovative approaches.