intro: Literaturwissenschaft
Die Bände der Reihe intro: Literaturwissenschaft führen fundiert, kompakt und verständlich in grundlegende wie aktuelle Themen einer Literaturwissenschaft ein, deren kulturwissenschaftliche Ausweitung sich zum Beispiel an den turns der letzten Jahrzehnte (u.a. cultural turn, spatial turn, social turn) orientiert. Sie richten sich an Studierende aller Philologien, die sich einen ersten Überblick über das jeweilige Themenfeld verschaffen möchten. Eine strukturierte Aufbereitung, konzise Zusammenfassungen, bibliografische Hinweise sowie weiterführende Fragen und Anregungen erleichtern den Einstieg.
The volumes in the series intro: Literaturwissenschaf provide a sound, compact and understandable introduction to both fundamental and current topics relating to a form of literary studies whose cultural studies expansion is based, for example, on the ‘turns’ of recent decades, such as the cultural turn, spatial turn, social turn, etc. The books will appeal to students of all branches of philology who would like to obtain an overview of their respective subject area, and the structured discussions, concise summaries, bibliographical references as well as questions and suggestions for further research in the volumes will facilitate students’ introduction to the subject matter.
The volumes in the series intro: Literaturwissenschaf provide a sound, compact and understandable introduction to both fundamental and current topics relating to a form of literary studies whose cultural studies expansion is based, for example, on the ‘turns’ of recent decades, such as the cultural turn, spatial turn, social turn, etc. The books will appeal to students of all branches of philology who would like to obtain an overview of their respective subject area, and the structured discussions, concise summaries, bibliographical references as well as questions and suggestions for further research in the volumes will facilitate students’ introduction to the subject matter.