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Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe
2 Ausgaben pro Jahr, Kündigung 1 Monat zum Kalenderjahresende
Nomos,  27. Edition 2024

ISBN 1435-2869

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SEER, the Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe aims to stimulate an exchange of information between researchers, trade unionists and people who have a special interest in the political, social and economic development of the region of eastern Europe.
The journal seeks to draw attention to new research results and the latest analysis about the ongoing process of political and social changes in the broader eastern European region, and tries to create deeper understanding of the importance of the elaboration of democratic structures within industrial relations.
SEER combines contributions from different disciplines and schools of thought into an information package intended to be of interest to policy-makers, researchers, academics and trade unionists from various backgrounds.
The editors would like to point out that it is the authors who are responsible for the content of their own articles and that neither the editors nor the publisher, the European Trade Union Institute, necessarily share the opinions of the authors whose work is featured in the SEER.

The journal is published in English language.


Herausgeber: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

Redaktion: Béla Galgoczi (V.i.S.d.P.), European Trade Union Institute, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 5, B-1210 Brussels, Tel. +32 2 2240492, Fax + 32 2 2240502, E-Mail:


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