Philosophie und Literatur
Philosophie und Literatur sind seit ihren historischen Anfängen auf vielfältige Weise aufeinander bezogen und eine strikte Grenzziehung zwischen beiden scheint schwer möglich. Gerade dort, wo die Philosophie Grundfragen der Welt und des menschlichen Daseins aufwirft, erschließt sie ein Themenfeld, das, wenngleich mit anderen Mitteln, auch von der Dichtung und Literatur erkundet wird. Dabei erschöpft sich der Zusammenhang von Philosophie und Literatur nicht in einem Ensemble verwandter oder gemeinsamer Themen, Fragen und Anliegen. Sondern es geht auch und im besonderen Maße um einen wechselseitigen Austausch von Formen und Formaten philosophischen wie poetischen Sprechens und Schreibens. Die Schriftenreihe möchte die spannungsreiche wechselseitige Verschränkung von Philosophie und Literatur, Affinität, wechselseitige Komplementarität und Differenz, näher beleuchten und dabei die literarische Dimension der Philosophie wie die philosophische Dimension von Literatur anhand einschlägiger Fallstudien und ausgewählter Problemkomplexe erforschen.
Philosophy and literature have been related to each other since the dawn of history, and it seems extremely difficult to draw a clear dividing line between them. At the point where philosophy raises fundamental questions about the world and human existence, it encroaches onto a topic area also addressed by poetry and literature, although they use different means in doing so. This means that the relationship between philosophy and literature is not limited to a collection of related or mutual themes, questions and issues, but that it also particularly involves the reciprocal exchange of forms and formats of philosophical and poetic spoken and written expression. This series of publications intends to shed greater light on the fascinating interconnections between philosophy and literature, their affinity, mutual complementarity and differences, and in doing so to investigate both the literary dimensions of philosophy and the philosophical dimensions of literature using relevant case studies and selected problems.
Philosophy and literature have been related to each other since the dawn of history, and it seems extremely difficult to draw a clear dividing line between them. At the point where philosophy raises fundamental questions about the world and human existence, it encroaches onto a topic area also addressed by poetry and literature, although they use different means in doing so. This means that the relationship between philosophy and literature is not limited to a collection of related or mutual themes, questions and issues, but that it also particularly involves the reciprocal exchange of forms and formats of philosophical and poetic spoken and written expression. This series of publications intends to shed greater light on the fascinating interconnections between philosophy and literature, their affinity, mutual complementarity and differences, and in doing so to investigate both the literary dimensions of philosophy and the philosophical dimensions of literature using relevant case studies and selected problems.