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Klinger | Franz | Hogenmüller
Das Barock und die Theologie
Der Beitrag Melchior Canos zur Standortbestimmung der Kirche im 21. Jahrhundert
Tectum,  2024, 468 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8288-5130-6
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114,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn this volume, 17 renowned international scholars examine the significance and relevance of the Spanish Dominican theologian Melchor Cano and his outstanding work "De locis theologicis". According to Cano, dogmatic reasoning consists of ten different "loci". Theologians should draw from [...]

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Das neue Berlin des Hofarchitekten Johann Arnold Nering (1659–1695)
Tectum,  2024, 968 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8288-5088-0
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159,00 € incl. VAT

englischNering was the most influential architect in Brandenburg-Prussia around 1700. For the first time, the author contextualises Nering's work and subjects it to critical analysis. Nering transferred the style and quality primarily of Italian architecture to the Mark, which, as a strict, sober [...]

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In diem addictio
Der Bessergebotsvorbehalt im klassischen römischen Recht
Tectum,  2024, 282 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8288-5191-7
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84,00 € incl. VAT

englischEven in ancient Rome, contracts were modified by side agreements such as the "in diem addictio". This allowed the seller to close the contract with a third party instead of the first buyer within a certain period of time if a better offer was made. But what was a better offer? A higher [...]

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Mission Wahrheit
Wer vermittelt uns ein realistisches Bild unserer Welt?
Tectum,  2024, 250 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8288-5168-9
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39,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe flood of information continues to grow, and fake news is booming due to the increasing influence of social media and artificial intelligence. The struggle for the better argument is proving difficult in an increasingly precarious debate culture. These developments are particularly [...]

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Sanfter Exzess
Unerhörte Ordnungen in Adalbert Stifters Bunte Steine
Tectum,  2024, 122 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-68900-017-2
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34,00 € incl. VAT

englischExcesses do not disrupt order but emerge from it in the first place. This analysis illustrates how closely order and excess are interwoven in Adalbert Stifter’s Bunte Steine (1853). It is the seemingly balanced uniformity of things that repeatedly reveals the outrageous and excessive [...]

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Das Jahr der Innovationen im Jazz
Eine Analyse ausgewählter Alben des Jahres 1959
Tectum,  2024, 200 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8288-4922-8
44,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe year 1959 saw the release of Dave Brubeck's "Time Out", John Coltrane's "Giant Steps", Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue", Bill Evans' "Portrait in Jazz" and Ornette Coleman's "The Shape of Jazz to Come", all style-defining albums that were groundbreaking in the development of jazz. They [...]

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Learning from a Monastic Musician
Masters of Chant and the Function of Ritual Music in the Tibetan Bön Tradition
Tectum,  2024, 624 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8288-4961-7
134,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis book not only offers valuable ethnomusicological insights into the ritual music of the Tibetan Yungdrung Bön tradition. At the same time, it is an extraordinary case study in which Christiane Strothmann captivatingly describes her many years of collaboration with the Tibetan monastic [...]

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Den leisen Schlägen auf der Spur
Ghostnotes und Groove in Schlagzeug-Patterns der populären Musik
Tectum,  2024, 258 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8288-5146-7
64,00 € incl. VAT

englischGhost notes are ubiquitous in the rhythm of popular music: quiet notes or beats played between louder ones, filling in the metric grid. Nina Düvel's qualitative expert interviews with drummers explore for the first time why musicians use them and how they relate to the perception of groove [...]

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LeseSystem – Ein multimediales Leseförderprogramm
Tectum,  2024, 192 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8288-5161-0
44,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe 2022 PISA study marks a new low in the ongoing problem of developing pupils' reading skills. Belinda Akel addresses the desideratum of the lack of implementation of reading promotion programs at secondary level. Based on a multifactorial concept of reading competence, the self-developed [...]

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Das Jahr der Innovationen im Jazz
Eine Analyse ausgewählter Alben des Jahres 1959
Tectum,  2024, 200 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8288-5056-9
E-Book download
44,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe year 1959 saw the release of Dave Brubeck's "Time Out", John Coltrane's "Giant Steps", Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue", Bill Evans' "Portrait in Jazz" and Ornette Coleman's "The Shape of Jazz to Come", all style-defining albums that were groundbreaking in the development of jazz. They [...]

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