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Priesterbild(er) im Wandel
Eine Pastoralgeschichte Russlands in der Synodalperiode
Tectum,  2023, 370 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8288-4954-9
79,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis study examines the image of the priest as it is found in the Church Fathers of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Synodal period (1700–1917). Different models of the priesthood are identified and examined in terms of how they were shaped by the socio-political situation. In the course [...]

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Von Ariern und Aliens
Völkische Weltanschauung in der Science-Fiction-Literatur vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
Tectum,  2., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, 2023, 240 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8288-4860-3
54,00 € incl. VAT

englischWhat German science fiction authors put on paper in the 1920s and early 1930s are not infrequently pre-fascist omnipotence fantasies of galactic proportions. Michael Novian examines literary representations of the “Nordic race” in science fiction novels from the period before the Second [...]

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„Ex castro suo monasterium fecit“
Burganlagen als Gründungsorte von Klöstern im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter
Tectum,  2023, 284 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8288-5131-3
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64,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe art-historical work provides an in-depth insight into the phenomenon of castles converted into monasteries, which was widespread throughout the Western world during the Middle Ages. The author, who is regularly involved in excavations, uses his knowledge of castle research to be able to [...]

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(Selbst)Darstellung arabischer Frauen
Westlicher Blick und eine algerische Kämpferin
Tectum,  2023, 116 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8288-5106-1
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29,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe representation of the 'Arab woman' in Western discourse occurs dualistically - either as a victim of repressive structures or as an eroticised-imagined harem lady. Colonial continuities are thus still evident today. Based on Lila Abu-Lughod's critique anchored in postcolonial theory, [...]

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Medien, Moral und Mainstream
Kommunikation in einer Welt verschränkter Beobachter
Tectum,  2023, 204 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8288-5129-0
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49,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe media is often accused of being manipulated, biased or even controlled. Does it even abuse its power as the ‘fourth estate’? In this book, the author explores these questions from a value-free perspective and concludes that everything the media is accused of is already part of all [...]

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Leben und Werk
Tectum,  2., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, 2023, 204 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8288-4956-3
24,00 € incl. VAT

englischBorn around 425 BC, the Athenian Xenophon lived through the most exciting period in Athenian history. A versatile student of Socrates, he spent much of his life in exile. He worshipped the Spartan king Agesilaos and glorified Persian culture, which he visualised in his major work, the [...]

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Rüpke | Mancini
Antike Epik
Eine Einführung in hexametrische Großdichtung
Tectum,  3., vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, 2023, 258 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8288-4923-5
24,00 € incl. VAT

englischEpics are the oldest written long texts in many languages. They claim to recount fundamental events and seek to give validity to their version through formal composition. This volume provides an overview of Greek and Latin epic poetry from Homer to Late Antiquity. But above all it asks: How [...]

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Rüpke | Bianchi Mancini
Antike Epik
Eine Einführung in hexametrische Großdichtung
Tectum,  3., vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, 2023, 258 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8288-5057-6
E-Book download
24,00 € incl. VAT

englischEpics are the oldest written long texts in many languages. They claim to recount fundamental events and seek to give validity to their version through formal composition. This volume provides an overview of Greek and Latin epic poetry from Homer to Late Antiquity. But above all it asks: How [...]

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Das Bewusstsein schläft nicht
Die Persistenz des Selbst bei Sartre
Tectum,  2023, 82 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8288-5030-9
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24,00 € incl. VAT

englischAccording to Sartre, every individual exists necessarily as consciousness of something. Rather implausibly, this seems to imply that one would not survive a dreamless sleep.

The author motivates the issue by, on the one hand, critically and analytically discussing somatic, psychological, [...]

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Neue journalistische Erzählformen für Nachhaltigkeit
Konzepte, Entwicklungen und Potenziale in Printmagazinen
Tectum,  2023, 468 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-8288-5010-1
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114,00 € incl. VAT

englischNarrating issues of sustainability creatively is as challenging for journalists as it is full of opportunities. A range of different ‘ecological genres’, combining information and experimental literary qualities, can help to make the current ecological crisis tangible and shape social [...]

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