»eine ausgezeichnete Studie, die eine beachtenswerte theoretische und methodische Vermittlungsleistung vollbringt und dadurch sowohl der Pentekostalismus als auch der Religionsforschung im Allgemeinen neue Anstöße gibt.«
Prof. Dr. Oleg Dik, glopent.net 10/2018

»These diverse insights gained by Maltese provide important implications for the study of Pentecostalism as a worldwide religion by highlighting that the movement needs to be scrutinized on the global and local level in order to get a comprehensive picture of the phenomenon that goes beyond common stereotypes. By the same token, the study also makes an important contribution to the studies of Southeast Asia in general and the Philippines in particular, especially in the area of religion and politics, as well as populism. Such a diversified study that goes beyond a narrative that simply reiterates the stereotypes is of course only possible, because the research of Maltese has gone beyond a study of the already well-known classical Pentecostalism and the Catholic Charismatic movement.«
Paul Schmidgall, Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 1/2020