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Lisi | Curnis
The Harmony of Conflict
The Aristotelian Foundation of Politics
Academia,  2017, 252 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-709-1
34,50 € incl. VAT

In this collection of essays, Aristotle's Politics, a complex text which has been the object of multiple readings and continuously stimulates new interpretative challenges, is analyzed from various points of view that range from the material transmission of the text and its controversial reception [...]

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Sillitti | Stella | Fronterotta
Il NOUS di Aristotele
Academia,  2016, 248 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-700-8
34,80 € incl. VAT

The essays collected in this volume focus on Aristotle's notion of nous (usually translated as 'intellect','mind' or simply 'thinking') in Aristotle's works. They aim at elucidating the status and the function of the intellectual faculty in the context of Aristotle's analysis of the faculties of the [...]

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Cattanei | Fermani | Migliori
By the sophists to Aristotle through Plato
Academia,  2016, 240 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-671-1
34,50 € incl. VAT

There is a substantial difference between our way of 'philosophizing', born out of Descartes' clear and well-defined thinking and bent on building alternative (aut-aut) models, and the classical (especially Platonic-Aristotelian) way where a constant use of technical and methodical pluralism serves [...]

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Melissus between Miletus and Elea
A cura di Massimo Pulpito
Academia,  2016, 204 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-695-7
29,00 € incl. VAT

This comprehensive study of Melissus of Samos, centred on the 2012 Eleatic Lectures of Jaap Mansfeld (Utrecht University), is the first in more than forty years. Mansfeld argues that Melissus presents us with an efficacious and comprehensible revision of the ontological arguments of Parmenides or, [...]

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Pillars of Law
Academia,  2016, 172 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-674-2
28,50 € incl. VAT

How many different ways there are to construct a construction of law? All the different pillars that hold the construction of law must be based on faith and reason in order for the construction to be preserved. Observation of the pillars of law from the level of faith and reason gives us a valid [...]

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Trajkovic | van Loon
Faith and Reason
An Interdisciplinary Construction of Human Rights
Academia,  2016, 173 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-673-5
28,50 € incl. VAT

The interdisciplinary approach in determining human rights arises because of the nature of human rights which are not only a legal phenomenon, but the phenomenon of other sciences. Such an approach of human rights will enable us to determine the roots of human rights, their structure and content, as [...]

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Human Wisdom
Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy
Academia,  2016, 386 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-694-0
39,00 € incl. VAT

This book offers inter alia a systematic investigation of the actual argumentative strategy of Socratic conversation and explorations of Socratic and Platonic morality including an examination of eudaimonia and the mental conception of health in the Republic as self-control, with a view to the [...]

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Parmenide tràdito, Parmenide tradito nel Commentario di Simplicio alla Fisica di Aristotele
Saggio introduttivo, Raccolta dei testi in greco, Traduzione e Commentario
Academia,  2016, 576 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-691-9
54,00 € incl. VAT

Questo libro di Ivan Adriano Licciardi su Parmenide nel Commento alla Fisica di Simplicio colma una vistosa e per certi aspetti paradossale lacuna negli studi sul Neoplatonismo: sebbene Simplicio (VI sec. d.C.) rappresenti una delle fonti più importanti per la ricostruzione del poema di Parmenide [...]

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Havlícek | Horn | Jinek
Nous, Polis, Nomos
Festschrift Francisco L. Lisi
Academia,  2016, 344 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-697-1
48,50 € incl. VAT

The twenty-three essays pay tribute to the outstanding work of Francisco Lisi. The variety of their topics, methods and approaches reflects the wide scope of Lisi's own scientific interest; their linguistic diversity (the volume comprises contributions in English, German, Italian, French, Spanish [...]

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Bernard Bolzanos Lehre von Grund und Folge
Eine axiomatische Rekonstruktion
Academia,  2016, 174 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-698-8
19,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis volume offers the first comprehensive reconstruction of Bolzano's doctrine in the form of an axiomatic theory. Bernard Bolzano's theory of ground and consequence did not receive the attention it deserved in Bolzano research for a long time. Interest in this doctrine, which is [...]

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