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Grundlegung einer mystischen Anthropologie
Menschen- und Geschlechterbilder bei Muḥyīddīn Ibn al-ʿArabī und Meister Eckhart
Karl Alber,  2023, 322 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99795-6
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74,00 € incl. VAT

englischMuḥyī d-Dīn Ibn al-ʿArabī and Meister Eckhart are among the leading mystics of the Middle Ages and, given their philosophical shaping of mysticism and their deviation from the prevailing theological tradition at that time, are among the thinkers most commented on in academic research. In the [...]

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Eine Besinnung
Karl Alber,  2., ergänzte und überarbeitete Neuauflage, 2023, 106 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99477-1
24,00 € incl. VAT

englischTaking life as the occasion for meditation allows meditation itself to become pure life. Such practice is not bound to any theory but shows in an exemplary way that ultimately every action rests in an inner practice. This linguistic simplicity is intended to correspond to fundamental [...]

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Wirklichkeitserschließendes Sollen
Karl Alber,  2023, 157 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99511-2
34,00 € incl. VAT

englischEven before Kant's proclamation of the primacy of practical reason, Anselm of Canterbury's discovery of the epistemic priority of moral value opened the door to philosophical avenues of exploration that are rarely followed consistently. This consistency manifests itself in the resolve to [...]

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Wirklichkeitserschließendes Sollen
Karl Alber,  2023, 157 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99512-9
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34,00 € incl. VAT

englischEven before Kant's proclamation of the primacy of practical reason, Anselm of Canterbury's discovery of the epistemic priority of moral value opened the door to philosophical avenues of exploration that are rarely followed consistently. This consistency manifests itself in the resolve to [...]

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Carvalho | Meir | Wiese
Rosenzweig Jahrbuch / Rosenzweig Yearbook
Transzendenz und Offenbarung / Transcendence and Revelation
Karl Alber,  2023, 381 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99553-2
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89,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe present edition of the Rosenzweig Yearbook is the result of a congress held in Coimbra in December 2021, which was attended by the world's most distinguished Rosenzweig interpreters. The congress was entitled "'We know nothing of God even now.' Transcendence and Revelation on the [...]

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Carvalho | Meir | Wiese
Rosenzweig Jahrbuch / Rosenzweig Yearbook
Transzendenz und Offenbarung / Transcendence and Revelation
Karl Alber,  2023, 381 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99552-5
89,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe present edition of the Rosenzweig Yearbook is the result of a congress held in Coimbra in December 2021, which was attended by the world's most distinguished Rosenzweig interpreters. The congress was entitled "'We know nothing of God even now.' Transcendence and Revelation on the [...]

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Nach dem Kugelspiel des Nikolaus von Kues
Karl Alber,  2023, 95 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99565-5
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24,00 € incl. VAT

englischSummer 2020: The Catholic Church is shaken by the abuse scandal, the pandemic is disrupting society and refugees are looking for new support. In his story, Volkmar Mühleis mirrors these events across the ages. Could it also be called The Ship of Fools, after the late medieval text by [...]

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Zwischen Theismus und Pantheismus
Historisch-systematische Skizzen zur Panentheismusfrage
Karl Alber,  2023, 508 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-495-99770-3
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0,00 € free of charge

englischThe contributions to this book provide historical systematic studies on the question of panentheism, which has been intensively discussed since the turn of the millennium. In contrast to focusing on restrictive or extensive use of the concept of panentheism, this work illuminates a middle [...]

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Nach dem Kugelspiel des Nikolaus von Kues
Karl Alber,  2023, 95 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99564-8
24,00 € incl. VAT

englischSummer 2020: The Catholic Church is shaken by the abuse scandal, the pandemic is disrupting society and refugees are looking for new support. In his story, Volkmar Mühleis mirrors these events across the ages. Could it also be called The Ship of Fools, after the late medieval text by [...]

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Zwischen Theismus und Pantheismus
Historisch-systematische Skizzen zur Panentheismusfrage
Karl Alber,  2023, 508 Pages
ISBN 978-3-495-99769-7
119,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe contributions to this book provide historical systematic studies on the question of panentheism, which has been intensively discussed since the turn of the millennium. In contrast to focusing on restrictive or extensive use of the concept of panentheism, this work illuminates a middle [...]

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