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Grundlagen und Grenzen der Beschaffungsautonomie
Nomos,  2023, 504 Pages
ISBN 978-3-7560-1186-5
154,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn order to fulfill their tasks, the public authorities are obliged to purchase goods and services on the market due to a lack of their own capacities. The term “Beschaffungsautonomie” (autonomy to procure) describes the discretion of the public bodies to decide whether to procure or not and [...]

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Das Vergaberecht des E-Government
Nomos,  2023, 268 Pages
ISBN 978-3-7560-0097-5
79,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe implementation of an extensive E-Government is the core task within a modern, digitalized state. Its realization requires the acquisition of specific needs by means of public procurement law. The piece focuses on an intensive analysis of the public procurement of E-Government while [...]

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Das Verhältnis von Eignungs- und Zuschlagkriterien im europäischen, deutschen und US-amerikanischen Vergaberecht
Nomos,  2022, 631 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-8502-5
176,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe principle that a distinction must be made between selection and award criteria has been part of general knowledge in public procurement law since the well-known Beentjes decision of the ECJ. In practice, however, this distinction is still difficult to make. The author examines the [...]

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Beschaffungsdienstleister im Vergabeverfahren
Rechtliche Herausforderungen angesichts von Privatisierung und Professionalisierung
Nomos,  2022, 371 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-8526-1
104,00 € incl. VAT

englischFor the first time, this research opens up the field of procurement services, which has long existed in the real world, in a profound and comprehensive manner by developing a phenomenology and typology based on Art. 2 (1) No. 17 Directive 2014/24/EU. In essence, Nicole Lieb sheds light on [...]

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Der Grundsatz der Verhältnismäßigkeit im Vergaberecht
Nomos,  2020, 357 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-7723-5
92,00 € incl. VAT

englischIn 2016, the principle of proportionality was introduced as a procurement principle in German law. Hence, this study examines the provisions of public procurement law to determine to what extent and on what legal basis the principle of proportionality applies in a given context. It will [...]

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Der Nachweis der vergaberechtlichen Eignung im Wandel
Plädoyer für eine Eignungsvermutung
Nomos,  2020, 312 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-7828-7
82,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe instruments currently available for proof of eligibility for the exchange of information between contracting authorities and economic operators, particularly the European Single Procurement Document, do not meet the requirements that are placed on efficient public procurement procedures. [...]

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Sicherheit als Argument im Vergaberecht
Eine Analyse des Rechts der Vergabe verteidigungs- und sicherheitsrelevanter öffentlicher Aufträge unter Einbeziehung des Primärrechtsschutzes
Nomos,  2020, 399 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-6743-4
109,00 € incl. VAT

englischTo what extent and under what conditions can public defence and security interests justify exceptions from public procurement law requirements? The study at hand answers this question on a multilevel scale based on an analysis of the potential conflict between governmental confidentiality [...]

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Die historische Entwicklung des Vergabeverfahrens in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
Von den antiken Ursprüngen bis zur Gegenwart
Nomos,  2019, 905 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-6239-2
189,00 € incl. VAT

englischToday, public procurement is a well-known instrument of action and control used by the state and a part of public commercial law that is well developed in theoretical terms. The historical genesis of the award procedure has so far been insufficiently dealt with, with above all the [...]

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Gewährleistung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs durch allgemeine Vorschriften
Unter Berücksichtigung der beihilferechtlichen Rechtfertigung nach der Verordnung (EG) 1370/2007
Nomos,  2019, 354 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-5223-2
89,00 € incl. VAT

englischMobility and flexibility are critical for today's society, particularly in the field of local passenger transport. To meet society's need for public passenger transport services, public support is often required. This state support, however, must fulfil the requirements of state aid law.

As [...]

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Vergaberechtsschutz im Spannungsfeld zwischen Beschleunigungsgebot und Gewährung effektiven Rechtsschutzes
Nomos,  2019, 626 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-5623-0
164,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe German Law on public procurement remedies, implementing the EU Remedies Directives into national law, has to engage in a balancing act between effective legal protection of bidders and the necessary acceleration of the award procedure. The book develops solutions for conflicts between [...]

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