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Religionen fallen nicht vom Himmel
Academia,  2023, 308 Pages
ISBN 978-3-98572-103-0
69,00 € incl. VAT

englischReligious studies see the concept of "syncretism" as a general process of emergence, development and diversification of religions. Basically, on the one hand, one can speak of the mixing of two or more religious systems, so that a new religious system emerges, or on the other hand, it is [...]

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Grodź | Michael | Schroeder
Giants’ Footprints
90th Anniversary of Anthropos Institute (1931–2021)
Academia,  2021, 358 Pages
ISBN 978-3-98572-014-9
79,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe volume contains the past and present story of Anthropos Institute, which grew around the journal Anthropos and its founder Wilhelm Schmidt. The book is divided into three sections. The first outlines the history of the Institute, presents the early co-workers of Schmidt, gives an [...]

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P. Johann Frick SVD: Mao schlief in meinem Bett
Erinnerungen eines Chinamissionars 1931-1952
Academia,  2020, 354 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-911-8
74,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe "notes" reflect a fascinating world of Chinese past, as experienced and reflected in an empathetic way by Johann Frick. The missionaries sought to achieve as much empathy as possible with the Chinese realities, but on the other hand could not hide their European judgment. The population [...]

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Dedenbach-Salazar Sáenz
Translating Wor(l)ds
Christianity Across Cultural Boundaries
Academia,  2019, 333 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-794-7
69,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis book addresses the translation of culture in the context of religion. The contributions, which analyse texts in literary, ethnohistorical and/or linguistic terms, show how different cultural traditions and languages are communicated across boundaries. They include studies of the [...]

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Mana, Macht und Mythen
Tradition und Moderne in Australien und Ozeanien
Academia,  2019, 168 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-798-5
34,00 € incl. VAT

englischWe should avoid the disrespect involved in giving mythic and religious facts less importance than they actually have in the life of non-Western indigenous peoples. This book deals with mythologic ideas which inhere in the ritual reproduction of the body politic in the actions of contemporary [...]

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Das Herz von Hia spricht
Die Urbevölkerung auf der Insel Nias, Indonesien
Academia,  2018, 402 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-729-9
49,00 € incl. VAT

Die mündliche Tradition von Nias begann vor ca. 600 Jahren mit der Einwanderung einer kleinen Gruppe von der Westküste Sumatras nach Südnias. Die Physiognomie der Bewohner weist oft chinesische Züge auf. Die mündliche Tradition berichtet vom Beginn der Ahnenfiguren (adu) und von der Ahnenverehrung [...]

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Dedenbach-Salazar Sáenz
La transmisión de conceptos cristianos a las lenguas amerindias
Estudios sobre textos y contextos de la época colonial
Academia,  2016, 314 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-652-0
Out of print, no reprint
39,00 € incl. VAT

Las contribuciones a este libro se centran en las estrategias y los métodos lingüísticos interculturales usados por los misioneros coloniales de la América Latina. Su objetivo principal fue una traducción eficiente de los conceptos cristianos a textos amerindios y sus contextos indígenas para que [...]

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A Kumulipo of Hawai'i
Academia,  2014, 173 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-645-2
40,00 € incl. VAT

He Kumulipo is the sole surviving major cosmogonic chant from Hawai'i.The earliest datable Hawaiian poem, it provides a basis for the history of Hawaiian language and literature. Its vision of the universe as a family tree is an inspiration to all who seek a new mental and emotional relationship [...]

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Heinrich | Grauer
Wege im Garten der Ethnologie - Caminos en el jardín de la etnología
Academia,  2014, 414 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-632-2
35,00 € incl. VAT

Die in der vorliegenden Festschrift versammelten Beiträge spiegeln den Facettenreichtum ethnologischer Fragestellungen wieder. Von den Ursprüngen indigener Kulturen über Eindrücke vielfältiger Natur, die man auf den verschiedenen Reisestationen eines ethnologischen Forscherlebens sammeln kann, bis [...]

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Marten | Neumann
Saints and Cultural Trans-/Mission
Academia,  2013, 208 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-621-6
36,00 € incl. VAT

The various essays offered in this collection, each with their own unique and critical focus, enable a comparative glimpse into key problems that anthropological study is confronted with when engaging with the 'cultural-religious matrix' spun around the discourse on saints. This happens by [...]

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