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Hill | Schliesky

Auf dem Weg zum Digitalen Staat - auch ein besserer Staat?

Nomos,  2015, 290 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-7009-8

78,00 € incl. VAT
78,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe digital revolution is progressing further and captures with its disruptive effects the state and its institutions. The processes and the way how the state complete its tasks will have to change and adapt under the influence of digitization. The Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on the occasion of "E-Volution des Rechts- und Verwaltungssystems. Auf dem Weg zum Digitalen Staat – auch ein besserer Staat?“ 2015 in Speyer are devoted to these themes. This work shows perspectives, presents solutions and draws strategies for a "good digital state". The contributions examine the role of federalism in digital government, deal with the (critical) IT as an infrastructure or provide an outlook on the algorithm based decision making. The e-file, the electronic promulgation of laws and the electronic communications with the administrative courts are also explored, as well as the impact of digital technology on the state liability law.