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Beteiligung an Speichergesellschaften

Grenzen zulässiger gesellschaftsrechtlicher Beteiligung von Netzbetreibern aus nationaler und europäischer Perspektive
Nomos,  2023, 308 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-3636-7

94,00 € incl. VAT
94,00 € incl. VAT
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englischElectricity storage is considered an ideal building block for increasing the flexibility of the energy system and is steadily gaining in importance. At the same time, both the regulatory framework for multifunctional electricity storage and its position within the value chain of the energy industry are unclear. This thesis examines whether grid operators are allowed to participate in electricity storage companies or whether european and national regulations impose limits or even prohibitions on participation.


For this purpose, the structure and tasks of network operation and electricity storage are presented from a legal and economic point of view. Subsequently, participation models are evaluated on the basis of network fee regulation, security of supply and unbundling law. This is followed by an examination of the compatibility of participation prohibitions and participation limits with constitutional law and EU fundamental rights. Finally, a concrete proposal for the further development of the current legal framework is formulated.

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