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Soininen | Vaarakallio

Challenges to Parliamentary Politics

Rhetoric, Representation and Reform
Nomos,  2015, 167 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-2184-9

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The work is part of the series Politics-Debates-Concepts. Politik-Debatten-Begriffe (Volume 2)
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englischIntertwined political and economic crises have battered citizens of EU-states for several years now. Due to demanding austerity politics ”democracy” seems to remain, in many cases, only an empty phrase. This book examines the challenges to parliamentary politics today but also explores its means to develop, reform and even survive. The book approaches these questions in terms of political rhetoric and conceptual history as well as more traditional style of political philosophy. The writers of this volume come from different European backgrounds, providing a versatile discussion and a fruitful insight to parliamentarism today in Europe. Different perspectives comprise a historico-theoretical discussion, for example, by viewing parliament as a victim of its own success, by seeing the European Parliament as a historically new possibility for democratic representation and by giving a sceptical view of parliamentary democracy in modern mass conditions.

»Wer sich für Aspekte und Erscheinungsformen parlamentarischer Rhetorik interessiert, dem seien die Beiträge von Vaarakallio und Kallio empfohlen.«
Dr. Franziska Carstensen, ZParl 2017, 448-450

»Der lesenwerte Band wirft Schlaglichter auf Fragen der parlamentarischen Repräsentation im Kontext von Globalisierung, Krisen und supranationalen Institutionen.«
E & D 2016, 498

»eine gelungene kritische, aber auch optimistische Auseinandersetzung mit den Herausforderungen parlamentarischer Repräsentation.«
Dr. Léa Roger, 5/2016