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Demokratie jenseits welchen Staates?

Eine konzeptionelle Neuausrichtung der Debatte um demokratisches Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaats
Nomos,  2017, 272 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-7947-3

54,00 € incl. VAT
54,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe wide-ranging decisions of the European Council, the individually binding resolutions of the Security Council, the growing number of summits in different constellations (G-8, the G-20, the BRICS states etc.)  – we are witnessing a rapid rise in executive meetings and executive law-making. These processes raise the question of how to conceptually and normatively deal with newly emerging forms of executive governing. This book therefore descriptively analyses ongoing processes of these changing patterns of statehood, develops a historically as well as empirically informed concept of its structures and, in the next necessary step, asks the virulent question of how to democratise these new forms of domination. It shows that statehood can no longer be found solely within the boundaries of the nation state. Instead, we must recognise that executive actors have become more powerful within different levels of decision-making and that they are changing the sensitive balance between legislative and executive bodies.

»›Demokratie jenseits welchen Staates?‹ ist folglich ein so komplexer wie elaborierter Vorschlag, der festgefahrenen Debatte um die Demokratisierung inzwischen allgegenwärtiger suprastaatlicher Institutionen neues Leben einzuhauchen.«
Martin Repohl, 4/2017