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Heimbach-Steins | Schlacke

Die Enzyklika Laudato si'

Ein interdisziplinärer Nachhaltigkeitsansatz?
Nomos,  2019, 322 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-8365-4

59,00 € incl. VAT
59,00 € incl. VAT
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englischSeldom has a papal encyclical received as much attention and enjoyed as much popularity as Pope Francis’s Laudato si’ on caring for our common home. Members of the Center of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research at the University of Münster have accepted Pope Francis’s invitation to react to his encyclical of 2015 and initiate a dialogue about it. In this book, they present views on the encyclical from their own disciplines, which emerged from an interdisciplinary discussion. The contributions collated in this anthology analyse the statements and views expressed in Laudato si’ from a theological, political, economic, legal and rural ecological perspective in order to enrich and further the debate on ways of and approaches to creating integral ecology, and an environmentally friendly and socially just economy, form of politics and lifestyle.