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Knierim | Oehmichen | Beck | Geisler

Gesamtes Strafrecht aktuell

Nomos,  2018, 533 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-4223-3

58,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe 18. Legislative period of the German parliament reflects a variety of criminal law initiatives regarding mass phenomena and partially unexpected legal gaps. A systematic continuation can hardly be identified. Until the end of the legislative period, further law reforms can be expected. Hardly any subdomain has been left unchanged. Starting with the applicability of criminal law, new criminal offences were found or existing ones strongly amended, but also the sentencing, the criminal procedure and international criminal law encountered reform of their elements, legal consequences and procedures.

The volume „Gesamtes Strafrecht Aktuell“ (current status of criminal law) helps any practitioner in criminal law to keep pace with the development. While in the past it was possible to follow on-going legal reform in his area of expertise, the present abundance of new regulations across all legal branches overchallenges any presentation in specialised commentaries and manuals.

The present guide provides security to find all relevant changes in one book – and not to overlook anything which might cost dearly in consulting and litigation work. The concept of the book is oriented to this end:

  • ensure that nothing is overlooked: all reforms relevant to practical application of the whole criminal law and supplementary penal provisions, with a focus on 2016 and 2017
  • quick access: organised by subject area
  • identify problems and argument on their basis: each contribution is structured as follows: legislative objectives and legal policy / classification in the existing set of rules / analysis of the new legal situation / procedural aspects
  • Main topics:

    sex offences, organised crime, IT criminal law, corruption in the health sector and sports, Doping, reform of criminal procedure, asset recovery, EU reform of rights of the suspect

    Especially helpful:

    The chapters are particularly aimed at showing which factual cricumstances must now be assessed differently, as compared to the previous legal situation. Further, the extended enforcement measures of the law enforcement authorities are described. This helps minimising mistakes in consultation. The wording of the reformed provision will be printed in the book. A topic index including all legal changes facilitates an easy and manageable overview.

    The authors are a team of experienced criminal law practitioners and academics who can give first-hand accounts of the practical problems of application:

    Prof. Dr. Susanne Beck, University of Hannover

    Prof. Dr. Claudius Geisler, Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz

    Rechtsanwalt Thomas C. Knierim, Mainz, Visiting lecturer at the University of Halle/Wittenberg

    Rechtsanwältin Dr. Anna Oehmichen, Mainz, Visiting lecturer at the University of Gießen

    »Erfahrene Strafrechtspraktiker und Wissenschaftler, haben mit dem Handbuch ein außergewöhnliches Werk konzipiert, das auf die Bedürfnisse der Praxis zugeschnitten ist. Der interessierte Strafrechtler findet alles Wesentliche zum aktuellen Recht unter Verweis auf die frühere Gesetzeslage. Dies trägt zu einem schnelleren Verständnis der Materie bei und ist für die Lösung strafrechtlicher Probleme hilfreich.«
    Prof. Dr. Michael Soiné, Archiv für Kriminologie 1-2/2018, 70

    »Somit empfiehlt es sich für interessierte Studierende nicht nur, das Buch als Nachschlagewerk für prüfungsrelevante Neuerungen zu nutzen, sondern auch einen Blick in andere Kapitel zu werfen. Abschließend lässt sich zusammenfassen, dass das Buch dem Ziel, welches es sich setzt, vollumfänglich gerecht wird. Durch die [...]