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How to Build Peace

20th- and 21st-Century Ukrainian Greek Catholic Peacebuilders in the Polish-Ukrainian Conflict
Nomos,  2023, 360 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-4251-1

89,00 € incl. VAT
89,00 € incl. VAT
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Despite peacebuilding efforts between Ukraine and Poland, the author shows that the conflict between the two nations, with its violent zenith in the 20th century, remains unresolved. Looking at Andrei Sheptyts’kyi, Ukrainian Greek Catholic metropolitan between 1901 and 1944, as well as the insights from conducting qualitative research with contemporary representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the author argues that Sheptyts’kyi must be considered a peacebuilder, and that, following his example, representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church are uniquely situated to be peacebuilders in the Polish-Ukrainian conflict. Lastly, the author suggests several avenues for future peacebuilding.

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