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Kalny | Wagner

Menschenrechte in Lateinamerika

Nomos,  2019, 232 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-9774-3

44,00 € incl. VAT
44,00 € incl. VAT
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englischLatin America encapsulates both important and fundamental contributions to the creation and development of the international and regional human rights system and its creative advancement, but also dictatorships, civil wars and extreme social inequality, maintained by the use of extreme violence. This edited volume links both aspects and unites the existing extensive and highly specialised discussions on human rights in five sections: the development of the corresponding legal systems, the struggle against impunity, corruption and human rights, spatial (dis)orders and marginalisation. Here, academics and practitioners from Europe and Latin America analyse the current developments on the subcontinent, where, in spite of alarming trends, a vibrant civil society continues to be the driving force behind the innovative further development of human rights discourses and norms.


With contributions by

Arne Bardelle, Bruno Brandão, Guilherme de Jesus France, Marie-Christine Fuchs, Manuel Góngora-Mera, Patricia Gualinga, Ingrid Heinlein, Wolfgang Heinz, Eva Kalny, Michael Krennerich, Adhemar Mole Silaipi, Alejandra Morena, Mario Peters, Gaba Sahory Reyes, Heike Wagner, Klaus H. Walter

»Die AutorInnen und OrganisatorInnen sind sich der alarmierenden Menschenrechtslage in Lateinamerika bewusst und widmen den komplexen gegenwärtigen Prozessen dementsprechend Raum in ihren Analysen.« September 2019

»Das Buch ist insgesamt sehr zur Lektüre und weiteren Annäherung an das vielfältige Thema dringend zu empfehlen.«Amerindian Research 53/2019, 190