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Prinzing | Köberer | Schröder

Migration, Integration, Inklusion

Medienethische Herausforderungen und Potenziale für die digitale Mediengesellschaft
Nomos,  2018, 276 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-8508-5

64,00 € incl. VAT
64,00 € incl. VAT
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englischHigh-quality journalism reflects all actors in a society and opens up a forum for them. This type of journalism sees social functions as well as social integration and inclusion as some of its core tasks. In a democratic society, the media, that is, public broadcasters as well as private and commercial media, have a mandate to contribute to social cohesion. Everyone is encouraged to mediate between different social groups. Dealing with such tasks has always been a major and ethically significant challenge for the media. It has grown under the conditions created by the digital transformation of the media landscape and in the current climate of mass migration. In this book, academics and journalists reflect on the possibilities and limits of framing and supporting social integration.


With contributions by

Mariella Bastian, Janis Brinkmann, Marcus da Gloria Martins, Bernhard Debatin, Tobias Eberwein, Korbinian Eisenberger, Susanne Fengler, Alexander Filipovic, Regina Greck, Michael Haller, Rieke Havertz, Jessica Heesen, Volker Herres, Steffen Jenter, Katja Kaufmann, Larissa Krainer, Carmen Krämer, Nina Köberer, Kerstin Liesem, Sandra Müller, Colin Porlezza, Marlis Prinzing, Mareike Schemmerling, Michael Schröder, Leonie Seng, Fabian Sickenberger, Judyta Smykowski, Ingrid Stapf, Kati Stuckmeyer, Anna Carina Zappe as well as interviews with Marcus da Gloria Martins and Rieke Havertz

»...empfehlenswerter Band... wichtiger Diskursbeitrag... medienethische Herausforderungen der Gegenwart pointiert benannt, diskutiert und analysiert.«
M&K 1/2019, 93