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Grundmann | Baldus | Dias | Harke | Lima Marques | Mancebo | Mendes | Vicente | Nunes-Fritz

Recht, Architektur und Kunst

Direito, Arquitetura e Arte
Nomos,  2019, 370 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-9972-3

98,00 € incl. VAT
98,00 € incl. VAT
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englischArt, architecture and law – a vast ocean encompassing issues relating to art from a legal point of view, such as the case of Cornelius Gurlitt up close and personal, the protection of cultural heritage, conflict of laws in art transactions or public interest in art law. This book discusses the image of law in the arts, such as painting or architecture, and whether that image is primarily the law, justice or the exact opposite, and if so, in which ways it is processed artistically. Finally, the book discusses the good art of legal drafting and writing, be it in the codex Bevilaqua, in fundamental legal issues, such as information systems, or in modern individual fields. In this respect, one can also think philosophically, such as in terms of art striking the right balance. And all this is contained in this book, which makes excursions into the German-Lusitanian world.

With contributions with

Erik Jayme, Stefan Grundmann, Claudia Lima Marques, Jan Dirk Harke, Karina Nunes Fritz, Wolf-G. Frhr. von Rechenberg, Tiago Azevedo Ramalho, Sven Korzilius, Carl Friedrich Nordmeier, Marcílio Toscano Franca Filho, Lisiane Feiten Wingert Ody, Deborah Alcici Salomao/Gustavo Alcici Salomao, Rafael Chagas Mancebo