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Strukturinnovationen im Journalismus

Die Auswirkung unternehmensstrategischer Entscheidungsprämissen auf das journalistische Handeln
Nomos,  2019, 220 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-5086-3

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The work is part of the series Nomos Universitätsschriften – Medien und Kommunikation (Volume 6)
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englischThe structural changes in journalism must be tied to the adaptation of roles, and programmes and organisations attached to the strategic decisions of media organisations. Newsrooms have proven themselves to be ‘more efficient’ and ‘more adaptable’, but working methods have proved to be ‘more exhausting’. In ‘permanent editorial conferences’, there is excessive communication and coordination; the operational production process has become more important. A print editorial office in the classical sense does not exist any more. These structural changes have economised journalistic action and limited journalists’ options for action. Examples of this are cooperation in matters of syndication and continuous optimisation processes. This empirical study shows that the constraints of the economic system are increasing in current journalistic practice. The interaction between structural change and journalistic action explains the theory of structuration.

»Wer Redaktionsforschung in Deutschland betreibt, ist gut beraten, sich mit den Befunden dieser Arbeit zu beschäftigen.«Prof. Dr. Lars Rinsdorf, MedienWirtschaft 2/2019, 59