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Hiéramente | Schneider

The Defence in International Criminal Trials

Observations on the Role of the Defence at the ICTY, ICTR and ICC
Nomos,  2016, 279 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-3137-4

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The work is part of the series Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden (Volume 217)
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englischThe International Criminal Justice system is an important element of world politics today. Currently, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is investigating serious human rights violations committed in nine African states and has launched preliminary investigations into acts committed in the conflict zones of Palestine and Ukraine.

The complexity of these issues and the ongoing status of these conflicts pose significant difficulties for international courts in carrying out their mandates, which in turn affect the prosecution and the defence. The media, as well as academia, tend to focus on the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC, as was the case with the ICTY and ICTR. Rarely do they widen their focus to include the role of the accused and their defence teams.

The authors of this volume, who are both practitioners and researchers, take a closer look at the inner workings of international courts and tribunals. The contributions included are either in English or in German.

»sehr verdienstvoll... Der Band kann wegen seiner Prägnanz und seines überschaubaren Umfangs, aber auch unter Verweis auf die sehr gelungene sprachliche Form der Beiträge, die das Werk sehr gut lesbar werden lassen, nur mit Nachdruck zur Lektüre empfohlen werden.«
Lea Babucke, RPsych 2016, 544

»Der vorliegende Band gibt einen hervorragenden Einblick in die konkreten Probleme der Verteidigung vor internationalen Strafgerichtshöfen. Die Darstellung ist durchweg so aufschlussreich und genau, dass das Werk selbst als Handbuch für international praktizierende Strafverteidigerinnen und Strafverteidiger dienen kann.«
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Tomuschat, Vereinte Nationen 2017, 38