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Tams | Berster | Schiffbauer

The Genocide Convention

Article-by-Article Commentary
Second Edition
Nomos,  2. Edition 2024, 539 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1440-8

200,00 € incl. VAT
Also available as eBook
180,00 € incl. VAT
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englisch75 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the first universal human rights treaty of the United Nations era and the keystone of the international legal regime against genocide. In the second edition of their work, Lars Berster, Björn Schiffbauer and Christian J. Tams engage with the Genocide Convention’s provisions on an article-by-article basis and elucidate how they contribute to the global fight against genocide. Their Commentary offers an in-depth analysis of the Convention’s nineteen provisions. It offers authoritative guidance on the definition of genocide, on the duties of States to prevent and punish it, and on the Convention’s implementation regime.


For the second edition, the Commentary has been updated and expanded to take account of new developments, including

  • the rise of genocide-related proceedings before the International Court of Justice, including in high-profile cases between The Gambia and Myanmar and Ukraine and Russia;
  • new decisions, by national and international courts, specifying the scope of the prohibition against genocide;
  • recent case-law of the European Court of Human Rights bearing on genocide.

    The Commentary will be of interest to academics, students and practitioners working in international law, criminal law, genocide studies and human rights.

    Stimmen zur Vorauflage

    »Das Werk stellt eine beeindruckende wissenschaftliche Leistung dar. Mit seiner klaren Sprache und seinen verlässlichen Nachweisen wird es sich auch in der Praxis der internationalen Strafverfolgung als unentbehrlich erweisen.«
    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Tomuschat, Vereinte Nationen 2016, 36
    Find the cover of the current title in PDF format here: