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Gerner-Beuerle | Mucciarelli | Schuster | Siems

The Private International Law of Companies in Europe

Nomos,  2019, 790 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-4679-8

250,00 € incl. VAT
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englischCan firms freely choose their place of incorporation and thus the applicable company law? And is it possible that a firm can subsequently reincorporate in another country, with the effect of a change of the law applicable to this company? In the EU, the answer to these questions has to consider the impact of the freedom of establishment and the corresponding case law of the Court of Justice. Beyond some general principles, there is, however, considerable diversity between the laws of the Member States. Thus, this book provides an up-to-date analysis of this important area of law for all Member States. It is based on a comprehensive study, produced for the European Commission, on the private international law of companies in the EU. This book will be of interest to both practitioners working on cross-border transactions and legal scholars with an interest in company law, private international law and EU law.

»Der beeindruckende Sammelband enthält eine aktuelle und detailgenaue Darstellung des internationalen Gesellschaftsrechts nach den Vorgaben des Europäischen Gerichtshofes und ihrer Umsetzung in den einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten. Er ist damit ein wertvolles, ja unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für alle Rechtspraktiker und -wissenschaftler, die auf diesem Gebiet mit der gebotenen Gründlichkeit arbeiten wollen.«
Peter Kindler, RabelsZ 4/2020, 905
