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Verfassungskonflikte zwischen Politik und Recht in Südosteuropa

Bulgarien und Rumänien nach 1989 im Vergleich
Nomos,  2013, 517 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8329-7755-9

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The work is part of the series Politik und Recht
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englischThis book examines constitutional conflicts between politics and law in the post-socialist transition states of Eastern and South Eastern Europe. These conflicts are analyzed using the examples of Bulgaria and Romania after 1989. In these countries constitutional conflicts have especially affected judicial reforms, several attempts to politically control the judiciary, the fight against political corruption and the autonomy of the constitutional courts.

Based on a systems theory perspective, this study discusses two main questions: Which institutional rules enable or provoke constitutional conflicts between politics and law? And: Which consequences do these conflicts have on democracy and the rule of law? It finally concludes that these conflicts do not inevitably impede but under certain circumstances may advance the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law. Hence, constitutional conflicts can be regarded as “engines of consolidation”.

»His careful, precise, and comprehensive study is convincing in both its content and methodology...The author presents a content-rich-study that is analytically, argumentatively, and stylistically of the first order, which would merit publication in Romanian and Bulgarian as well. Indeed, this is one of the first thorough, knowledge, and balanced presentations of interwined legal and political developments in postsocialist Eastern Europe.«
Andreas Raffeiner, Südosteuropa 2016, 261-262

»Ich habe bisher keine solche gründliche, sachkundige und ausgewogene Darstellung der rechtlichen und politischen Entwicklung des Nachwende-Bulgariens gelesen... Alles in allem legt Hein ein hervorragendes Buch vor, das die verschlungenen Wege balkanischer Rechtspolitik brillant erklärt und gleichzeitig ein [...]