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Altmann | Bertsche | Häger | Zirbeck

Guy Stern und Hildesheim

Bewegende Begegnungen
Olms,  2021, 208 Pages

ISBN 978-3-487-16081-8

19,80 € incl. VAT
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englischGuy Stern, a citizen of the world, celebrated his hundredth birthday on 14 January 2022. The book presents him with twenty-five texts by people who remember moving encounters with him. It is a very personal book, similar to a poetry album, but at the same time a contemporary document that attests to the effectiveness and charisma of the jubilarian. Two of the editors, Rolf Altmann and Hans-Jürgen Bertsche, are members of the executive committee of Eintracht Hildesheim, Hartmut Häger and Rainer Zirbeck are board members of the Association of Former Students and Friends of the Scharnhorst High School Hildesheim. They stand in the tradition of an association and a school that excluded Günther Stern, then a Jew, from their ranks. With this gift of a book, the editors express their gratitude for the spirit of enlightened tolerance that Guy Stern radiated and for the heartfelt willingness to reconcile with which he accepted honorary membership of the two associations, as he had previously accepted honorary citizenship of the city of Hildesheim and, most recently, German citizenship.