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Intuition und transrationales Denken aus integraler Perspektive

Wegweiser für den Umgang mit den Herausforderungen der VUCA Welt
Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Markus Jüster
Tectum,  2022, 194 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8288-7924-9

39,00 € incl. VAT
39,00 € incl. VAT
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englischDo humans and organizations need a new approach in order to cope with the conditions of this world? Intuition and a transrational way of thinking seem to play a vital role here. Wilber´s Integral Theory allows for any phenomenon to be viewed from a comprehensive perspective. In accordance with the four dimensions of the AQAL model, in this book, lifelike aspects are structured regarding human being, system, culture and values, thereby, building the foundation for a subsequent qualitative study. An artist, an author, a coach and a consultant function as experts and contribute to a topic-related reality excerpt and point to something crucial: transrational thinking.

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