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Gottwald | Plagge | Radermacher

Klimapositive Landwirtschaft

Mehr Wohlstand durch naturbasierte Lösungen
Mit einem Geleitwort von Gerd Müller und einem Vorwort von Christoph Brüssel
Tectum,  2021, 250 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8288-7760-3

38,00 € incl. VAT
38,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis book highlights the important role of nature-based solutions in achieving global energy, development and climate goals through a transformation of agriculture and forestry. They are the only available, widely usable and affordable mechanism today for getting CO2 back out of the atmosphere (negative emissions). The described approach allows Africa, India and other emerging countries to follow China's development path - without negative climate impact.

The considerations of the authors from the environment of the Senate of the Economy and its foundation were partly developed in close coordination with the German Federal Ministry for Development and Economic Cooperation.


With contributions by

Harry Assenmacher, Dirk Walterspacher; Dr. Christoph Brüssel; Azadeh Farajpour; Felix Finkbeiner; Prof. Dr. Franz-Theo Gottwald; Sigrid Griese; Prof. Estelle Herlyn; Dr. Anita Idel; Bundesminister Dr. Gerd Müller; Jan Plagge; Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Radermacher; Martin Seitle, Martin Wild and Holger Stromberg.

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