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Konzepte des Scheiterns

Diskontinuitäten weiblicher Biografien bei Judith Hermann, Ingeborg Bachmann, Isabelle Lehn und Christa Wolf
Tectum,  2023, 440 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8288-5125-2

99,00 € incl. VAT
99,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe biographical caesurae generated by human failure are the subject of the sociology of failure. From the perspective of literary studies and gender theory, this study connects to the interdisciplinary research of these discontinuities and elaborates the narrative techniques of failure of female subjects in women's narrative texts. By combining sociological and gender-narratological aspects, the caesurae in the narrated spaces, time structures and linguistic-social identities of the characters are highlighted and discussed.

Denise Biesenbach studied German Language and Literature and Political Science in Düsseldorf. Her research focuses on Modern German Literature, Sociological Theory and Gender Studies.

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