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Making European Citizens?

How Participation in Model European Union Conferences Influences European Identity, Support of the EU and Political Involvement
Tectum,  2014, 14 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8288-3316-6

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The work is part of the series Politik begreifen (Volume 19)
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Model European Union (MEU) is a simulation of European politics that provides participants with a hands-on experience of the decision-making process of the European Union (EU). Hundreds of young Europeans meet each year at multi-day MEU conferences in cities across Europe. Does this experience have a measurable and lasting impact on participants knowledge about and attitudes towards the EU? And if so, how can we theoretically and empirically explain these effects? Paul Rünz develops a framework for the analysis of European citizenship and discusses several mechanisms that could account for attitude changes of MEU participants. To answer his research question, he employs a quasi-experimental design with quantitative data from surveys with participants of MEU conferences in Strasbourg, France and in Mainz, Germany.