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Odradek. Fetzen, Fussel, Fitzen

Alltags-, künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Annäherungen an das Phänomen des Odradeks in Kafkas Erzählung "Die Sorge des Hausvaters"
Erinnerungsschrift für Helga Kämpf-Jansen

Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Iris Kolhoff-Kahl

Tectum,  2020, 130 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8288-7545-6

34,00 € incl. VAT
34,00 € incl. VAT
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englischIn October 2019, the art teacher, artist and professor Helga Kämpf-Jansen would have celebrated her 80th birthday. Before she died, she had thought about starting another book project: On the basis of Kafka’s story ‘The Cares of a Family Man’, she had wanted to ask people interested in art and textile education as well as design to express their associations with Odradek and their profession.

Iris Kolhoff-Kahl has seized the idea and realised the book project. In remembrance of Helga Kämpf-Jansen, 12 authors have thought or written about Odradek, or they have become artistically active.

With contributions by

Iris Kolhoff-Kahl, Jutta Ströter-Bender, Katrin Lindemann, Ansgar Schnurr, Anna Kamneva, Andreas Brenne, Manfred Blohm, Ulla Kölzer-Winkhold, Marie-Luise Lange, Lara Schallenberg, Maren Thiele, Sybille Wiescholek

Find the cover of the current title in PDF format here: