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Enlightenment Today
Sapere aude! - Have Courage to Use Your Own Understanding
Academia,  2020, 280 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-863-0
59,00 € incl. VAT

englisch“Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage“, says Kant. And continues: „Tutelage is man's inability to make use of his understanding without direction from another.“

The question of enlightenment is not only relevant in Kant's time, but also today. Might the [...]

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Deutschen Comenius-Gesellschaft | Fritsch | Lischewski | Voigt
Band 27 | 2019
Academia,  2019, 202 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-859-3
49,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe current Yearbook tackles these questions: Did Comenius fail as a thinker of peace? How relates Comenius universal language to historically grown languages? What was the status of alchemy in early modern times? What is new in Comenius literature?


With contributions by

Andreas [...]

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Deutschen Comenius-Gesellschaft | Fritsch | Lischewski | Voigt
Band 27 | 2019
Academia,  2019, 202 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-89665-860-9
E-Book download
49,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe current Yearbook tackles these questions: Did Comenius fail as a thinker of peace? How relates Comenius universal language to historically grown languages? What was the status of alchemy in early modern times? What is new in Comenius literature?


With contributions by

Andreas [...]

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Musik und Bewegung
Struktur und Dynamik der Unterrichtsgestaltung
Academia,  4., aktualisierte Auflage, 2019, 248 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-89665-819-7
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28,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis book presents the teaching of music and movement/rhythmics as a dual-faceted model of structure and dynamics. In terms of structure, the book’s first part outlines the skills required to work with people of all ages and those with special needs. Its second part defines the [...]

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Musik und Bewegung
Struktur und Dynamik der Unterrichtsgestaltung
Academia,  4., aktualisierte Auflage, 2019, 248 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-818-0
28,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis book presents the teaching of music and movement/rhythmics as a dual-faceted model of structure and dynamics. In terms of structure, the book’s first part outlines the skills required to work with people of all ages and those with special needs. Its second part defines the [...]

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Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft | Fritsch | Lischewski | Voigt
Band 26 | 2018
Academia,  2019, 272 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-89665-791-6
E-Book download
62,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis volume deals with the relevance of art and culture in the multifaceted thought of John Amos Comenius. It also investigates the foundations of this relevance and if and how it can be disclosed for a contemporary public. The intellectual challenges, the intercultural dialogues and the [...]

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Sportlich bleiben!
(Kampf-)Sport - unterschätzter Partner bei AD(H)S, Autismus, Lern- und Verhaltensschwierigkeiten
Academia,  2019, 153 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-89665-752-7
E-Book download
24,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe martial arts - but also other sports with a similar teaching concept, e. g. dancing, gymnastics, athletics - improve the auditory, visual, tactile/haptic and spatial perception of children and adolescents by use of special exercises. Concentration spans expand, achievements can be felt [...]

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Deutschen Comenius-Gesellschaft | Fritsch | Lischewski | Voigt
Band 26 | 2018
Academia,  2019, 272 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-790-9
62,00 € incl. VAT

englischThis volume deals with the relevance of art and culture in the multifaceted thought of John Amos Comenius. It also investigates the foundations of this relevance and if and how it can be disclosed for a contemporary public. The intellectual challenges, the intercultural dialogues and the [...]

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Sportlich bleiben!
(Kampf-)Sport - unterschätzter Partner bei AD(H)S, Autismus, Lern- und Verhaltensschwierigkeiten
Academia,  2019, 153 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89665-742-8
24,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe martial arts - but also other sports with a similar teaching concept, e. g. dancing, gymnastics, athletics - improve the auditory, visual, tactile/haptic and spatial perception of children and adolescents by use of special exercises. Concentration spans expand, achievements can be felt [...]

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Vom selbstbestimmten Umgang mit den Medien
Academia,  2019, 181 Pages, E-Book
ISBN 978-3-89665-754-1
E-Book download
22,00 € incl. VAT

englischThe basis of political life in modern media societies is the ability to shape and use one's own public personality in a self-determined manner.

Modern democracies are media democracies. In the media-public is the possibility to evaluate and criticize politics effectively. The skillful use [...]

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