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China's Naval Build-Up

Causes and Consequences
Nomos,  2007, 144 Seiten, broschiert

ISBN 978-3-8329-2386-0

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Das Werk ist Teil der Reihe Nomos Universitätsschriften – Politik (Band 139)
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Since the early 1980ies China - the most populated country in the world - is undergoing an economical and social transformation which is without any parallel in history. If this process continues, the country will be the world"s biggest economy in the next two decades thus becoming a real superpower. While China is building up a world class economy, the country also modernizes its armed forces. This military build-up, foremost the creation of a blue water navy capable of operating on the high seas, causes growing concern and suspicion among its neighbors. The study is giving answers to the question why Beijing is building up its armed forces in this comprehensive manner. Which motives are underlying this modernization? Does Beijing try to achieve the hegemony in the Asian Pacific region?
Dr. Thomas Wiegand is a lecturer and researcher specialized in Asian Pacific security affairs. He is working for several academic and research institutions in Germany.
