Auf der Jagd nach der Sonne

Das journalistische Feld und die Atomkraft in Japan
Nomos, 1. Edition 2019, 629 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-5513-4
ISBN 978-3-8452-9697-5
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This book analyses the portrayal of nuclear power in Japanese journalism and the factors that influence it. Combining a field theoretical approach to journalism with frame analysis on different levels of the communication process, the author argues that the nuclear industry in Japan used its financial power to form a ‘pro-nuclear civil society’ and that this frame sponsorship is the reason for the relatively positive portrayal of nuclear power in Japan until 2011. After ‘Fukushima’, journalistic autonomy in this domain increased and journalism became a driving force of change in nuclear policy. At the same time, the field of journalism became polarised because its more heteronomous parts remained integrated into the ‘pro-nuclear civil society’. This book offers a new perspective on the Japanese media and journalism in Japan, emphasising heterogeneity and change in contrast to previous research, which focused on press clubs as institutions of pervasive media control.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-5513-4
Subtitle Das journalistische Feld und die Atomkraft in Japan
Publication Date Jan 29, 2019
Year of Publication 2019
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 629
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature

»dank der beeindruckenden Fülle an aufschlussreichem Material für inhaltlich interessierte LeserInnen ein Gewinn […]. Mit Blick auf die geleistete Tiefenbetrachtung des historischen Kontexts und der Machtdynamiken im Feld der Atomkraft-Berichterstattung in Japan stellt das Werk auch über den länderspezifischen Kontext hinaus eine relevante Erweiterung des Forschungsstands dar.«
Dr. Florian Meißner, Publizistik 2020, 137
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