Bioethik - Medizin - Politik. Bioethics - Medicine - Politics

Published by Walter Schweidler
Academia, 1. Edition 2012, 161 Pages
The product is part of the series West-östliche Denkwege
ISBN 978-3-89665-568-4
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Medicine and Politics are powers, systems, machines. They have their own logic and powers, almost irresistible for human individuals. In a democratic state, only the law can defend the individual's interests against these social forces.

But the human individual itself is not an ideal being: selfishness and the overpowering of the weaker by the stronger also shape the relations between us individuals. Therefore, the mechanisms of democracy-majority rule, formal legality, social equality-also need control and limitation.

The principles of the control and limitation of power, however, are the issue of ethics. Ethics has to defend the natural authority given to human beings beyond all the necessities of social forces, systems, and machines. That natural authority, opposed to all the artificial mechanisms of our collective life, is the real theme of bioethics.
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Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-89665-568-4
Subtitle Proceedings of the 6th Southeast European Bioethics Forum
Publication Date Jun 1, 2012
Year of Publication 2012
Publisher Academia
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 161
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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