Das Regierungsmitglied im parteipolitischen Diskurs

Ein Beitrag zum verfassungsrechtlichen Amts- und Rollenverständnis
Nomos, 1. Edition 2020, 182 Pages
The product is part of the series Studien zum öffentlichen Recht
ISBN 978-3-8487-7823-2
ISBN 978-3-7489-2227-8
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This study addresses for the first time comprehensively the various speaking roles that a member of the government can assume in public discourse. It questions primarily the extent to which a position in favor of or against political parties is legally permissible. Starting from a differentiation of roles founded in state theory, the author first examines statements that are made in the function as a member of the government. To this end, he elaborates not only on the principle of party-political neutrality, but also on previously less widely discussed questions of competence. Then, he distinguishes in-depth between communication in government office and statements made in the capacity as a member of parliament or as a party politician.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-7823-2
Subtitle Ein Beitrag zum verfassungsrechtlichen Amts- und Rollenverständnis
Publication Date Nov 17, 2020
Year of Publication 2020
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 182
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
»eine Fundgrube für weitergehende Untersuchungen. So ist das Buch für Wissenschaft und Praxis sehr zu empfehlen.«
Prof. Dr. Erich Röper, ZParl 3/2021
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