Digital Ethics

Nomos, 1. Edition 2022, 426 Pages
ISBN 978-3-7489-3401-1
ISBN 978-3-8487-8841-5
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Digital images raise ethical issues that have so far received only little attention. The discrete pixels of digital images can be freely combined. Compared to the dissemination of analog images the net enables dis-proportionately greater control over how digital images are to be distributed. As of today, the consequences for contemporary visual communication as well as for the cultural visual memory are all but clear. Can there be an applied ethics of digital images at all? What could be the content of such a normative ethics? And what is the relationship between ethics and the law of digital images? This volume brings together the contributions to an interdisciplinary German-Italian conference at Villa Vigoni, sponsored by the DFG. With contributions by Prof. Gianmaria Ajani, Prof. Tiziana Andina, Dr. Eva-Maria Bauer, Dr. Davide Dal Sasso, Prof. Dr. Thomas Dreier, Prof. Dr. Johannes Eichenhofer, Prof. Maurizio Ferraris, Prof. Dr. Christophe Geiger, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Gephart, Olivia Hägle, Prof. Wybo Houkes, Dr. Lisa Käde, Prof. Massimo Leone, Lorenz Müller-Tamm, Dr. Eberhard Ortland, Prof. Dr. Benjamin Raue, Ass. Prof. Cosetta Saba, Prof. Dr. Reinold Schmücker, Ass. Prof. Enrico Terrone and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich.
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Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-8841-5
Subtitle The issue of images
Publication Date May 31, 2022
Year of Publication 2022
Publisher Nomos
Format Hardcover
Language englisch
Pages 426
Review »Digital Ethics: The Issue of Images ist ein lobens- und lesenswertes Unterfangen, weil es interdisziplinär aufgestellt ist und versucht, dem ethischen Pluralismus in vor allem visueller Digitalität Raum zu geben.«
Evelyn Runge, MEDIENwissenschaft 2/2023
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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