Heraclitea II.A.1. Traditio (A)

ISBN 978-3-89665-090-0
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Traditio A.1. = Héraclite d'Éphèse, La Tradition antique et médiévale, A. Témoignages et citations, 1.
Appended is a free booklet Présentation de l'Édition, 16 p.

This volume contains ca. 350 texts with testimonia on Heraclitus and his teaching and quotations from his book dating from the 5th-1st cent. BC (e. g. by Cratylus, Plato, Aristotle and Cicero).

Volume II.A.1 contains the first part of Traditio (A), i. e. the testimonia on Heraclitus and his teaching and the quotations from his book which indubitably refer to him and date from the first period of the transmission of his corpus : from Epicharmus (early 5th cent. B.C.) to Philo of Alexandria (end of the 1st cent. B.C. - early 1st cent. A.D.).
This book of 296 pages is divided into 62 chapters devoted each to one witness (sometimes to a group of anonymous witnesses) and includes 350 texts. The most important chapters are those dealing with Cratylus (52 texts, 25 p., in fact the first ever full edition of the extant sources on Cratylus), Plato, (42 texts, 38 p.), Aristotle (57 texts, 49 p.), Theophrastus (14 texts, 18 p.), Aristo of Ceos or Chios (27 texts, 8 p.), the elder Stoics (5 chapters, 23 texts, 16 p.), Cicero (7 texts, 4 p.), Aenesidemus (9 texts, 5 p.) and Philo (18 texts, 17 p.).
In volumes II.A.1 to II.A.4 each text in the wide sense (or item) falls into 5 structural constituents:
1. The internal numbering (which is systematic and new in each chapter) and the external numbering (which is consecutive, and one and the same for the whole of Traditio (A));
2. The references: author, title, 'book', chapter and paragraph of the passage, volume(s), page(s), line(s) and name(s) of the Editor or Editors of the critical edition(s) used - up to four-five editions for the same item;
3. The original text in the narrow sense, i. e. the Greek (Latin, Armenian..) text, as established by the Editor of Heraclitea;
4. A translation of it into French; and
5. The three critical apparatuses to the text including : (I) the cross references to indirect witnesses and to parallel texts (sometimes quoted), (II) the cross references to previous editions of Heraclitus (from Henricus Stephanus to the present time) and (III) the manuscript variants (with a list of the MSS) and the conjectures by modern scholars (with references to their works).
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-89665-090-0
Subtitle Ab Epicharmo usque ad Philonem
Publication Date Jun 30, 1999
Year of Publication 1999
Publisher Academia
Format Hardcover
Language französisch
Pages 300
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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