Interaktionen: Internationalität, Intra- und Interdisziplinarität
63. Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht
Published by
Larissa Bahmer,
LL.M. (EUI),
Clarissa Barth,
Hannah Franz,
LL.B. (Bucerius Law School),
Shari Gaffron,
Dr. Katharina Goldberg,
Christina Jacobs,
Josina Johannsen,
LL.B. (Bucerius Law School),
Rebecca Kruse,
Friederike Löbbert,
Dr. Hans Flemming Maltzahn,
LL.B. (Bucerius Law School),
Maike Middeler,
LL.B. (Bucerius Law School),
Lasse Ramson,
Louisa Schmalhorst,
LL.B. (Bucerius Law School),
Charlotte Schneeberger,
Ester Schukajlow,
Vanessa Steinert,
Lennart Westmark
Nomos, 1. Edition 2024, 415 Pages
The product is part of the series
Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht
Public law and its scholarship interact in many ways with other areas of law - be they norms of other origins or those typically assigned to other areas domestically - as well as insights from other disciplines. It is only by looking at these interactions that public law and its scholarship can be seen in a larger context. The contributions to the conference volume analyse law at all levels, use interdisciplinary or comparative law methods and illuminate the interactions of public law embedded in concrete questions about democracy, livelihoods, climate justice and feminist perspectives.
With contributions by
Anna Berry | Valentina Chiofalo | Dr. Talya Deibel | Jan Dönges | Steliyana Doseva | Dr. Emma M. Dunne | Dr. Rico David Neugärtner, LL.M. (Cornell) | Elisabeth Faltinat | Dr. Jennifer Grafe, LL.M. (Münster) | Lilli Hasche | Johannes Klamet, B.Sc. | Irina Lehner, MLaw, LL.M. (KCL) | Leo Müller | Dr. Linda Nell | Nussaïbah B. Raja | Dr. Tilman Reinhardt | Dr. Paula Rhein-Fischer, LL.B/Maîtrise | Emma Sammet | Jan Schillmöller | Marcus Schnetter | Julian Seidl | Silvia Steininger, LL.M. (Amsterdam), M.A | Paul P. Stewens | Johannes Thierer | Dr. Felix Würkert
With contributions by
Anna Berry | Valentina Chiofalo | Dr. Talya Deibel | Jan Dönges | Steliyana Doseva | Dr. Emma M. Dunne | Dr. Rico David Neugärtner, LL.M. (Cornell) | Elisabeth Faltinat | Dr. Jennifer Grafe, LL.M. (Münster) | Lilli Hasche | Johannes Klamet, B.Sc. | Irina Lehner, MLaw, LL.M. (KCL) | Leo Müller | Dr. Linda Nell | Nussaïbah B. Raja | Dr. Tilman Reinhardt | Dr. Paula Rhein-Fischer, LL.B/Maîtrise | Emma Sammet | Jan Schillmöller | Marcus Schnetter | Julian Seidl | Silvia Steininger, LL.M. (Amsterdam), M.A | Paul P. Stewens | Johannes Thierer | Dr. Felix Würkert
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-7560-0643-4 |
Subtitle | 63. Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht |
Publication Date | May 13, 2024 |
Year of Publication | 2024 |
Publisher | Nomos |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 415 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
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