Ist der Körper (noch) derselbe?
Ein sportpädagogischer Ankerpunkt in dynamischem Wandel
Published by
Jana Baumgärtner,
Mag. Dr. Christoph Kreinbucher-Bekerle,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Ruin,
Bianca Sandbichler,
Academia, 1. Edition 2024, 216 Pages
The product is part of the series
Beiträge zur Bewegungspädagogik
Progressing social transformation goes hand in hand with considerable changes, e.g. in the relationships between humans, nature and technology, in social relations as well as in the relationship to (one's own) body. The publication focuses on traditional constants and new meanings of the body in a constantly dynamically changing world. From different disciplinary approaches, subjectivising perspectives of being-a-body as well as functional perspectives of having-a-body are discussed in relation to current questions of movement and sport pedagogical theory, empiricism and practice.
With contributions by
Jana Baumgärtner | Tobias Buchner | Uta Czyrnick-Leber | Natalia Fast | Elk Franke | Maud Hietzge | Brigitta Höger | Stefanie Jäger | Valerie Kastrup | Christoph Kreinbucher-Bekerle | Andre Magner | Roland Messmer | Arno Müller | Nils Neuber | Esther Pürgstaller | Daniel Rode | Sebastian Ruin | Bianca Sandbichler | Volker Schürmann | Mario Steinberg | Denise Temme | Nils Ukley | Jolanda Vogler | Bettina Wuttig | Benjamin Zander | Matthias Zimlich
With contributions by
Jana Baumgärtner | Tobias Buchner | Uta Czyrnick-Leber | Natalia Fast | Elk Franke | Maud Hietzge | Brigitta Höger | Stefanie Jäger | Valerie Kastrup | Christoph Kreinbucher-Bekerle | Andre Magner | Roland Messmer | Arno Müller | Nils Neuber | Esther Pürgstaller | Daniel Rode | Sebastian Ruin | Bianca Sandbichler | Volker Schürmann | Mario Steinberg | Denise Temme | Nils Ukley | Jolanda Vogler | Bettina Wuttig | Benjamin Zander | Matthias Zimlich
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-98572-109-2 |
Subtitle | Ein sportpädagogischer Ankerpunkt in dynamischem Wandel |
Publication Date | Jun 4, 2024 |
Year of Publication | 2024 |
Publisher | Academia |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 216 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
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