Legitimation und Mobilisierung in dschihadistischen Texten
Rechtswissenschaftliche Argumentation und rhetorische Mittel für den Aufruf zum Dschihad
Nomos, 1. Edition 2021, 360 Pages
The product is part of the series
ISPK-Studien zur Terrorismusforschung
How can a violent Islamic jihad be justified in the name of religion? This question is frequently discussed by jihadi authors, who aim at legitimising acts of violence in order to attract new supporters for their crusade. Based on a selection of contemporary Arabic texts, this study analyses the main jurisprudential arguments used by jihadists to justify violence by focusing on the jihadist exegesis of the Qur’an, Sunna and classical Sunni jurisprudence. Specifically, it addresses the most common rhetorical devices applied by jihadi authors and the strategies they employ to mobilise supporters and incite them to engage in a violent jihad. Presenting several translations from Arabic texts, this work draws an authentic picture of contemporary jihadist language and illustrates the central narratives and enemy stereotypes of the jihadist ideology.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-8487-6522-5 |
Subtitle | Rechtswissenschaftliche Argumentation und rhetorische Mittel für den Aufruf zum Dschihad |
Publication Date | Mar 29, 2021 |
Year of Publication | 2021 |
Publisher | Nomos |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 360 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
Additional material
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