Was treibt die Umweltkrise an?

Eine philosophische Erkundung
Karl-Alber-Verlag, 1. Edition 2023, 208 Pages
The product is part of the series zeitGeist
ISBN 978-3-495-99424-5
ISBN 978-3-495-99425-2
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The environmental problem has become one of the greatest threats to modern society. Yet it is struggling to develop an effective environmental policy. The reason for this, the book argues, is that the environmental crisis is linked to the organisation of the social system as such. In other words, it is an expression of general features of this system, such as the im-moderateness of modern culture (growth, faster and faster, more and more), the view of nature primarily as an inventory of resources, an external concept of welfare, an unleashed economy and technology. The conclusion is that a sustainable environmental policy requires a transition to a different kind of society. The book tries to provide some pointers.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-495-99424-5
Subtitle Eine philosophische Erkundung
Publication Date Oct 12, 2023
Year of Publication 2023
Publisher Karl-Alber-Verlag
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 208
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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