Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium
Published by
Prof. Dr. Nikola Roßbach
Nomos, 1. Edition 2024, 611 Pages
The product is part of the series
Censorship is highly topical. In the context of global crises, eroding democracies and strengthening autocracies and dictatorships, it even seems to be gaining in relevance. A scholarly review of the phenomenon and its study is urgently needed. This handbook is the first to present the state of censorship research from an interdisciplinary, transhistorical, and global perspective.
After conceptual-theoretical foundations, central actors and fields of action of censorship are dealt with: Politics, religion, economics, art, media, and law. This is followed by an overview of the history of censorship from antiquity to the 21st century. In contributions on various world regions (Africa, Asia, Australia, North, Central and South America, Western and Eastern Europe), the global dimensions of censorship are unfolded. Finally, current controversies and polemics of censorship, censorship narratives and debates (e.g. on 'cancel culture' and 'idproduct politics') are addressed.
The handbook is aimed at the specialist audience interested in censorship in cultural studies, literature and media studies, history and law, as well as advanced students.
With contributions by
Sigrun Abels | Norbert Bachleitner | Jessica Bauer | Lars Distelhorst | Jennifer Ehrhardt | Sascha Feuchert | Johannes Frimmel | Florian Gassner | Juri Häbler | Christine Haug | Thomas Keiderling | Wolfgang Stephan Kissel | Hans J. Lind | Manfred Loimeier | Siegfried Lokatis | Matthias N. Lorenz | Christian Meierhofer |Claus Oberhauser | Stephan Packard | Jörg Requate | Dirk Rohmann | Nikola Roßbach | Roland Seim | Daniel Syrovy | Jan-Henrik Witthaus | Hubert Wolf | Wolfgang Wüst
After conceptual-theoretical foundations, central actors and fields of action of censorship are dealt with: Politics, religion, economics, art, media, and law. This is followed by an overview of the history of censorship from antiquity to the 21st century. In contributions on various world regions (Africa, Asia, Australia, North, Central and South America, Western and Eastern Europe), the global dimensions of censorship are unfolded. Finally, current controversies and polemics of censorship, censorship narratives and debates (e.g. on 'cancel culture' and 'idproduct politics') are addressed.
The handbook is aimed at the specialist audience interested in censorship in cultural studies, literature and media studies, history and law, as well as advanced students.
With contributions by
Sigrun Abels | Norbert Bachleitner | Jessica Bauer | Lars Distelhorst | Jennifer Ehrhardt | Sascha Feuchert | Johannes Frimmel | Florian Gassner | Juri Häbler | Christine Haug | Thomas Keiderling | Wolfgang Stephan Kissel | Hans J. Lind | Manfred Loimeier | Siegfried Lokatis | Matthias N. Lorenz | Christian Meierhofer |Claus Oberhauser | Stephan Packard | Jörg Requate | Dirk Rohmann | Nikola Roßbach | Roland Seim | Daniel Syrovy | Jan-Henrik Witthaus | Hubert Wolf | Wolfgang Wüst
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-8487-8588-9 |
Subtitle | Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium |
Publication Date | Jul 23, 2024 |
Year of Publication | 2024 |
Publisher | Nomos |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 611 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Manual |
Additional material
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