Passagen – Passages – Pasajes
Published by
Herausgegeben von Alfonso de Toro,
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner,
Dr. phil. Annegret Richter,
Julia Pröll,
Edwige Tamalet Talbayev
Die Reihe Passagen – Transdisziplinäre Kulturperspektiven widmet sich ausgehend von einer transdisziplinären Perspektive verschiedenen Themen aus den Bereichen Literatur, Theater, Film, Anthropologie, Medien und Gender bezogen insbesondere auf anglophone und frankophone Kulturräume. In ihr erscheinen Arbeiten mit kulturtheoretischem Ansatz aus Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaft/Literaturtheorie, Theaterwissenschaft sowie herausragende Dissertationen/Postdoc-Projekte. Passagen stellt die Untersuchung von kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Prozessen an Schnittstellen ins Zentrum, Orte, an denen neue wissenschaftliche Paradigmen und eine Vielfalt von Kulturwelten entstehen. Das Moment des Durchquerens, Durchschreitens und des Oszillierens ist durch eine epistemologische Haltung bestimmt, die Welt, das Leben und die Wissenschaft neu zu organisieren. Passagen schließt damit einerseits das Überschreiten der angestammten traditionellen Disziplinen und die Vernetzung unterschiedlicher Wissensgebiete und Wissenschaften ein; andererseits das Durchschreiten kultureller Netzgeflechte und Fragestellungen, die zwischen kultureller Verortung und kultureller Entgrenzung pendeln. Passagen widmet sich Hybridisierungsprozessen vielfältiger Art, wie man sie etwa in frankophonen und anglophonen Kulturen, der Karibik, im Maghreb oder der Latinokultur in den USA vorfindet. Gerade hier lassen sich die drängenden Fragen unserer Zeit auf der Grundlage zahlreicher Arbeiten von Intellektuellen, Künstlern, Denkern, Filmemachern behandeln, die in der internationalen Kulturlandschaft ihresgleichen suchen.
Starting from a transdisciplinary perspective, the series Passages – Transdisciplinary Cultural Perspectives is devoted to various topics from the fields of literature, theatre, film, anthropology, media and gender, with special reference to English- and French-speaking cultural spheres. In it are published works with an approach based on cultural theory and taken from cultural and literature studies/literary theory, theatre studies as well as outstanding dissertation/post-doctoral projects. Passages focuses on studying cultural and scientific processes at interfaces, places in which new scientific paradigma and a variety of cultural worlds arise. The moment of crossing, passing through and oscillating is determined by an epistemological attitude of reorganizing life, science and the world. Thus, on the one hand, Passages includes the transcending of the traditional disciplines and the networking of different sciences and fields of knowledge; on the other hand, it includes the passing through of cultural networks and problems which oscillate between cultural localization and the transcending of cultural boundaries. Passages is devoted to hybridization processes of various types, as they are for example to be found in French- and English-speaking cultures, the Caribbean, the Maghreb or the Latino culture in the USA. Especially here, the pressing questions of our time can be treated on the basis of numerous works by intellectuals, artists, thinkers and film-makers which are unequalled in the international cultural universe.
Starting from a transdisciplinary perspective, the series Passages – Transdisciplinary Cultural Perspectives is devoted to various topics from the fields of literature, theatre, film, anthropology, media and gender, with special reference to English- and French-speaking cultural spheres. In it are published works with an approach based on cultural theory and taken from cultural and literature studies/literary theory, theatre studies as well as outstanding dissertation/post-doctoral projects. Passages focuses on studying cultural and scientific processes at interfaces, places in which new scientific paradigma and a variety of cultural worlds arise. The moment of crossing, passing through and oscillating is determined by an epistemological attitude of reorganizing life, science and the world. Thus, on the one hand, Passages includes the transcending of the traditional disciplines and the networking of different sciences and fields of knowledge; on the other hand, it includes the passing through of cultural networks and problems which oscillate between cultural localization and the transcending of cultural boundaries. Passages is devoted to hybridization processes of various types, as they are for example to be found in French- and English-speaking cultures, the Caribbean, the Maghreb or the Latino culture in the USA. Especially here, the pressing questions of our time can be treated on the basis of numerous works by intellectuals, artists, thinkers and film-makers which are unequalled in the international cultural universe.
Räume und Medien in der Romania Espaces et médias dans les cultures romanes Spatii si medii în culturile romanice Georg Olms Verlag, 1. Edition 2018€39.80 incl. VAT