Human Rights and Natural Law

An Intercultural Philosophical Perspective
Herausgegeben von Walter Schweidler
Academia, 1. Auflage 2012, 327 Seiten
Das Werk ist Teil der Reihe West-östliche Denkwege
33,50 €
ISBN 978-3-89665-567-7
0,00 €
ISBN 978-3-89665-807-4
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It was in ancient Greek philosophy where the idea arose that there is a supreme law before which any civil law created by human societies has to be justified. Since then the concept of natural law not only remained one of the paradigms of Western civilization but has shaped the development of international legislation in general. The understanding of the significance of the idea of a natural law for the philosophical presuppositions of our current concepts of human rights and human dignity is still dependent on the analysis of its relation to the different cultures and civilizations on earth.
Bibliografische Angaben
Bibliografische Angaben
Auflage 1
ISBN 978-3-89665-567-7
Untertitel An Intercultural Philosophical Perspective
Erscheinungsdatum 01.06.2012
Erscheinungsjahr 2012
Verlag Academia
Ausgabeart Softcover
Sprache deutsch
Seiten 327
Medium Buch
Produkttyp Wissenschaftsliteratur

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