Bewegtes Lernen im Fach Kunst
Academia, 1. Edition 2003, 122 Pages
The product is part of the series
Bewegtes Lernen
Children need physical activity to develop their personality harmonically. Physical activity is the medium to realize and create environment (comp. Grupe 1982, 72) Physical activity enables young people to have a more sophisticated look at their environment and they gather various information. Physical activity supports cognitive learning (improved ability to concentrate, an additional access for information through the 'sense of emotion', getting the optimum out of the process of digesting information, and others). Moving situations supply various occasions for social learning to the learning groups. Thereby giving and taking is being realized in a well-balanced way. Moreover, there is a cohesion between both satisfying movements and positive emotional experiences. On the one hand physical activity can activate but on the other hand it can help to relax and decrease stress. This advances health and well being. Physical activity is a condition for a healthy physical development. Since people feel safer while moving the number of accidents can be decreased. The testing of different movements, a realistic evaluation of one's own qualities, and the experience of one's own abilities and boarders result in a much more satisfying life.
Children are not physically active enough because they are addicted to their individual conditions characterized by a world that is more and more hostile towards movement. So called 'sitting lessons' support the suppression of movement. Therefore, schools should leave more space to the physical activities of children and manage a learning with all senses; including the 'sense of movement'. It should become a school in motion.
Since 1998 a collection of file cards of learning in motion in mathematics, German, and social studies have been used successfully by a number of teachers. Now an extension to the lessons in Arts is going to follow.
In a preface the meaning of physical activity to children's development is being explained and the structure of its criteria are being introduced. In the following collection of examples a lot of experiences, ideas and additions of primary school teachers and university lecturers were used. This methodical material shows the actual existence of learning in motion in the Arts lessons with the following aims:
- Additional access for information are to be opened up, e.g. by touching art and the environment, experiencing connections between colour and shape by movement, forming and creating pictures, plastics and sculptures by moving the entire body.
- The process of digesting information can be optimised by memorizing basic knowledge while passing on an object, talking about different possibilities of shaping an object while walking or while changing seats.
- Learning in motion also helps to prevent children from sitting in one position for too long. In addition, it can increase the pleasure in learning. Moreover, pupils are to connect independent learning with movement. They are to look for new variations and to work with a partner.
Children are not physically active enough because they are addicted to their individual conditions characterized by a world that is more and more hostile towards movement. So called 'sitting lessons' support the suppression of movement. Therefore, schools should leave more space to the physical activities of children and manage a learning with all senses; including the 'sense of movement'. It should become a school in motion.
Since 1998 a collection of file cards of learning in motion in mathematics, German, and social studies have been used successfully by a number of teachers. Now an extension to the lessons in Arts is going to follow.
In a preface the meaning of physical activity to children's development is being explained and the structure of its criteria are being introduced. In the following collection of examples a lot of experiences, ideas and additions of primary school teachers and university lecturers were used. This methodical material shows the actual existence of learning in motion in the Arts lessons with the following aims:
- Additional access for information are to be opened up, e.g. by touching art and the environment, experiencing connections between colour and shape by movement, forming and creating pictures, plastics and sculptures by moving the entire body.
- The process of digesting information can be optimised by memorizing basic knowledge while passing on an object, talking about different possibilities of shaping an object while walking or while changing seats.
- Learning in motion also helps to prevent children from sitting in one position for too long. In addition, it can increase the pleasure in learning. Moreover, pupils are to connect independent learning with movement. They are to look for new variations and to work with a partner.
More Information
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-89665-284-3 |
Subtitle | Klassen 1 bis 4 |
Publication Date | Jun 30, 2003 |
Year of Publication | 2003 |
Publisher | Academia |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 122 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |