Brussels Commentary on EU Public Procurement Law

Nomos, 1. Edition 2018, 1476 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-0120-9
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Procurement in the public sector is accountable for up to 20 % of the European Union GDP. The regulation of public spending is therefore of great importance not only for the purpose of opening the internal market for suppliers to the public sector from all over the European Union, but also for all public entities and potential suppliers who are relying on the rules for entering into contracts.
This book is the first comprehensive analysis covering all the areas of procurement:
• Public Sector Directive (2014/24/EU)
• Utilities Directive (2014/25/EU)
• Concessions Directive (2014/23/EU)
• Defence and Security Directive (2009/81/EC)
• Remedies Directives.
It combines the advantages of a traditional article-by-article commentary with a horizontal systematic presentation of the laws and policies underlying public procurement in the EU. By means of crossreferences it enables the reader to understand the system and interaction between the different directives on procurement.
The commentary is based on the European Union legal framework and is not focusing on the national transposition of the rules and will therefore be useful in all Member States.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-0120-9
Publication Date May 22, 2018
Year of Publication 2018
Publisher Nomos
Format Hardcover
Language englisch
Pages 1476
Medium Book
Product Type Commentary
»Ein hervorragendes Werk, das dem Nutzer ermöglicht, ein tiefergehendes Verständnis für das Vergaberecht zu entwickeln und ihm in diesem Zusammenhang auch das Auffinden neuer Argumentationsansätze im vergaberechtlichen Arbeitsalltag erleichtert.«
Mag. Marcus Essl, JUS-EXTRA 396/2020, 7

»a very impressive book, and that it will be a valuable tool for many public authorities, economic operators and legal experts involved in the field of public procurement.«
Dacian C. Dragos, CML rev. 2019, 1442
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